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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the April 2021 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49813532

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/49813518


Glad this is finally finished :D Really happy with the result after struggling so long on how to figure out how to specifically draw this pic. Perspective is hard though TvT/ Also, I didn't realize there was a movie to this anime :O I should probably get around to watching that soon =   v =

Let's see if I can figure out how to turn off my brain with future draws. These last two ended up being particularly stressful when they probably shouldn't have been. I really want to make sure I post more this month than I did in April.. I feel particularly guilty about that even though I know I shouldn't. I just set the bar too high for myself... >v>;;;

Character Suggestions Open for May 2021's Fan Poll 


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Trussed Issues Comic




Gorgeous. Delightful scene. Love it!


Frrriiiiiickk that's hot! Especially with the toy variant. :) There's a Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunnygirl Sempai movie?? Does Mai wear the bunnysuit again?? :)