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The character is not required to be winter / ice related but the scenario drawn will feature winter in some form, whether it be: holiday, cold, snow, ice, etc.


A new month means a new fan poll so get your cuties ready and post em here! Character Suggestions will close End of Day, December 8th. For those new to fan poll, here are a few rules:
1. 1 Character suggestion per Patron
2. You must post a picture reference of the version of the character you want me to draw
3. Characters who've previously won are exempt from polls for 6 months ((Whenever they are publicly posted they are reset and eligible again))
4. You are allowed to suggest bindings or scenarios for your suggested character (Suggestions will be used as guidelines and not necessarily followed 100%)

Previous Winners Currently Ineligible:

1) Aerith - Final Fantasy 7

2) Lauren - OC

3) Mavis - Hotel Transylvania

4) Samus - Metroid




Weiss Schee from RWBY, is some other life she's a professional dominatrix or kink model. https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/582098341203017730/783775552351109140/latest.png?width=432&height=583 gear refs: https://twitter.com/ZoeVolf/status/1333036775753854976/photo/1 https://twitter.com/ZoeVolf/status/1331183241781530625/photo/1


I say Fubuki from One Punch Man cause they call her Blizzard of Hell


How about Harribel/Halibel in her christmas outfit, bound up with ribbons. I was thinking maybe boots discarded off to the side with her big toes bound together with ribbons. Her shirt is unzipped to show off her face and a tag is over her mouth saying "don't open till Xmas". I was thinking an angered expression with blush Images of her: her full appearance https://i.ytimg.com/vi/rEoUd0NZSWk/maxresdefault.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/94/af/03/94af03fbe09750203b7a7b387181c24d.jpg

Buck Caldwell

I don't know if you do other people's characters or not, but Oglaf's Snow Queen would be on point... https://www.oglaf.com/snowqueen/ https://www.oglaf.com/snowbound/2/ https://www.oglaf.com/meltwater/2/ Failing that, how about Ahsoka coming in out of the cold on Hoth? https://media.comicbook.com/2020/03/star-wars-should-ahsoka-tano-get-disney-plus-series-live-action--1211754-1280x0.jpeg https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4e0cb3ef-5aa6-4cb0-82f0-a77f6a2937d9/ddqyb0b-a4d733b2-1d0d-4721-a2d1-1b928b442003.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGUwY2IzZWYtNWFhNi00Y2IwLTgyZjAtYTc3ZjZhMjkzN2Q5XC9kZHF5YjBiLWE0ZDczM2IyLTFkMGQtNDcyMS1hMmQxLTFiOTI4YjQ0MjAwMy5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.XpgJCFeBJBE_cVYqRON4L-UP4DAvpW7iFNOTPzf2w8U

Guard in Charge .

So, i have a lamia thats all bundled up for the cold if thats your thing ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/cdplqhovmqmi4pv/Screenshot_20201202-230451_Gallery.jpg?dl=0 ) or if not her i also have a precious Irish girl that might be what youre looking for ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/25uuebq5g6crrxr/Screenshot_20201202-230532_Gallery.jpg?dl=0 ) I do have the rights to both of these characters, but they are open for use if you like them. Cheers!


if you can show me some sort of approval from the original character's owner than sure, otherwise no


either is good with me, but please choose 1 to submit to the poll :3


Rocat's Aiya, very cute character. https://www.deviantart.com/rocatart/art/Delayed-Revenge-659819220


It's rare we do a Disney gal, but what about NuElsa in her SnowQueen form? https://64.media.tumblr.com/635ff888a363d642634ab21a49f58634/5d47ce0fd32ac7b3-39/s1280x1920/7a6382cbd0e31759a49060478ff77353ecfb7131.jpg Something where she's really enjoying some kinky fun on her own (or possibly getting Anna in a bit of reindeer-tac, teasing her about what Kristoff is going to think about this gear.


Rey from Star Wars? She could look pretty cute with a winter theme. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e4/6b/de/e46bdecf7f1de23419d51418baa739b6.jpg


permission from rocat granted: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zqqaanuhvvxtejv/ro%20permission.JPG?dl=0


Jill Valentine Resident Evil 3 = Jill bound in heavy leather/metal restraints, captured and waiting next to umbrella guards struggling and panicking about to be transported to the underground facility. Original costume with a skirt and boots. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=fQDSMVK8&id=CB2518EA8F9CDCA27AE7158EA57C2624DBEA4A90&thid=OIP.fQDSMVK8pywit4_LZIKVOwAAAA&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fgamewith-en.akamaized.net%2fimg%2f191b355cca7169149a41b950e2cacfa4.jpg&exph=662&expw=378&q=jill+valentine+resident+evil+iii+remakes+costume+unique&simid=608014975573558362&ck=6AA6150DB2A263989248230DBCFD9697&selectedIndex=0&FORM=IRPRST&ajaxhist=0

jo holloway

I remember seeing some art of Weiss as a pole dancer complete with snowflake pasties, I can imagine how hot that or the dominatrix idea would be in shio’s style.


I wanted to suggest the same character!! D: But my version was more like: In a DBZ Saiyan armor, showing off her ice powers, saying "coldness never bothered me, anyways". xD


My OC Adela in a Santa themed dress, tied with Christmas lights & gagged with colored tape :P https://twitter.com/Lady_Fubuki/status/1329988598515593217