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Just a heads up to everyone I will not be charging next month! There's pretty much only 1 real reason for this and that's because I want to focus my efforts on finishing the comic project by spending a good amount of time to the coloring of the pages. With that being said, it is unlikely there will be much else posted during that time so I can't justify charging July.

Hopefully I can get the whole thing done next month for everyone to see the finished result come August! Will also spend July brainstorming the next big comic project :D

Hope you all are continuing to be well!



sounds good

jo holloway

Thanks for the notification, very few artists would do that.


Good Luck!!


Take your time. :3

Buck Caldwell

I mean heck, I'd be fine with you charging us comic-tier folk since you're working on a thing we're specifically backing, but up to you.


Thank you for the notification. I hope you are doing well also. Love you, stay safe and healthy.


Thanks for the heads up


I will miss your art, but good luck anyway with that comic!