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***You are still able to suggest scenarios / ideas for the poll! Suggestions will be taken as guidelines for winners***

Current Suggested Scenarios:

Faith - "  I'll be honest, I just want to see the third person view of this set :p  http://fav.me/danqueh http://fav.me/danqudh http://fav.me/danqud2 "

Princess Peach - " Only for your picture, we take a little more inspiration from Shaxbert's pictures and put her in some fun, themed gear as she's been tied up in something either inspired by her own outfits, or by her captor's style... :P "

Vanessa - " So she's trying on a new suits that's a bit more restrictive than it normally is. Or she gets captured by one of the machines and placed in a containment pod of sorts.  other outfits: https://www.deviantart.com/kironohasama/art/Vanessa-Z-Schneider-407289260 "

Rayla - " Your last work of her was amazing!  But I can't help but wonder how Callum got her out of that - after all, last time he solved a magical riddle, it was Rayla who provided him the needed Draconic spellword.  If she's gagged by his most recent spell, though, how could she possibly help him?  That said, though ... what is Claudia (also from TDP) happened upon Rayla in that tightly-bound situation, and whisked her off to a Katolis dungeon for some ... play? "

Marie - " In some sticky ink bondage!  https://lh5.ggpht.com/_9rnxUFktGzg/TCp34sxgPoI/AAAAAAAALI0/6o92Dm5wAKQ/s1920/stickygum.jpg "

Blanche - " tied up with red rope, a ball gag in her mouth that either looks like a pokeball or is black with a big red R for Team Rocket, tied town in an alley way or something, with her boots thrown aside, and various items like pokeballs and money strewn about as she had been captured "



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