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Theme this month is Characters of Obscurity!

Characters of Obscurity? What does this mean you might ask? Well the general idea is that, in previous polls, more often than not characters from relatively popular and or current series end up taking the win. So I thought it would be fun to shake things up this time and have a poll solely dedicated to featuring characters from series that are no longer part of the mainstream and or never really got a huge lasting cultural following. Another way to put it would probably be. A focus on characters and or series that don't have a whole lot of fan art, bondage or otherwise, and deserve more love and attention.

Now this may all be subjective; so If you are unsure on your particular character or series you wish to submit, I will make an effort to determine who and what series would be able to qualify the parameters of this poll.

Hopefully this all makes sense =v=;;; 


 A new month means a new fan poll so get your cuties ready and post em here! Character Suggestions will close End of Day, Feb. 7th. For those new to fan poll, here are a few rules:
1. 1 Character suggestion per Patron
2. You must post a picture reference of the version of the character you want me to draw
3. Characters who've previously won are exempt from polls for 6 months ((Whenever they are publicly posted they are reset and eligible again))
4.   You are allowed to suggest bindings or scenarios for your suggested   character (Suggestions will be used as guidelines and not necessarily   followed 100%)  



Buck Caldwell

Juri and Koto, the Ring Announcers from Yu Yu Hakusho. Perhaps battling each other, perhaps in a mud wrestling scenario as filler for the tournaments. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D6e2rmWUwAAYNaD?format=png&name=small https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/yuyuhakusho/images/b/b1/Juri.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20130707234216 https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/yuyuhakusho/images/b/bc/Koto_1.png/revision/latest?cb=20141204215753 https://i.gifer.com/FDag.gif


From a little ways back, how about something with Belldandy from Oh! My Goddess: https://alchetron.com/cdn/belldandy-4526fc7e-ac0f-4429-a91c-6c8ff265138-resize-750.jpeg Who also wears things like: https://static.zerochan.net/Belldandy.full.28086.jpg https://i.ytimg.com/vi/u2vTB63EXXA/maxresdefault.jpg and https://anime.astronerdboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/xx-Skuld-Belldandy-Urd.jpg


Madlax from the series Madlax - https://external-preview.redd.it/miZDzmlqrbPVEIr7CXaE95TZ85b-ZQkWo8q4kRgjhx4.jpg?auto=webp&s=29d1094e268db44720fee2a6257c3d02858c6002 She's an assassin so maybe captured. (Edit)


Sydney from Payday 2. A lil' cute anarchist, with a nice haircut :P https://i.pinimg.com/originals/66/09/f8/6609f85695559a2236c51d68d0e0f477.png

Buck Caldwell

Oh, she's CUTE. A bit of Julia from Cowboy Bebop, a bit of Belldandy, a bit of Winry Rockbell. I'll have to check this series out. Thanks!

Buck Caldwell

Belldandy was one of my waifus when I discovered the term "waifu". I always worried about her in-series, though, regarding ... well, purity and the more physical side of love. Still, a component of the Perfect Waifu combo.


Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in a shell https://sta.sh/01hh6xug1brv In some cool kind of cyberpunk bondage, like plugged into a computer and experimented on, she bound and gag with wires that are also like attached to her Something like this perhaps https://sta.sh/0lqjg0vavkp

Spelt Wrong, but right.

Don’t know if this counts, but I say she deserves more than what she has already been given in terms of sexy/bondage art: Captain Amelia from Disney’s Treasure Planet. https://www.google.com/search?q=captain+amelia+official+art&rlz=1CDGOYI_enUS780US780&hl=en-US&prmd=isnv&sxsrf=ACYBGNRmqqG8cx9ytQn-du70XL_iO04tgQ:1580707639181&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwisxc7q0rTnAhXRpJ4KHaVfDIsQ_AUoAXoECA0QAQ&biw=414&bih=620&dpr=3#imgrc=Y4fwYUS_xZQTzM I would love to see her in a situation where like most of the Disney movies not as popular with their princess movies, are heavily confined in the Disney vault, and are tied down to a chair, a pole, hanging upside down or strapped standing to a giant panel like korra from legend of korra was.


rayla from dragon prince https://dragonprince.fandom.com/wiki/Rayla?file=Rayla_Official.png


Minnie May from Gunsmith Cats. https://sta.sh/0tlew7apfbv


Received DM suggestion for Lina Inverse from Slayers https://i.pinimg.com/originals/70/f5/ef/70f5efdebe8222f334580d375643de02.jpg


It says a focus on characters "and or" series that doesn't have a lot of impact....so I don't know if I'm allowed to suggest this one...so if this doesn't count please disregard my comment! Can I suggest an obscure One Piece character who you rarely see in bondage art? Or does the series itself also have to be obscure? I would love to suggest Alvida (post devil fruit) as an obscure bondage character....there's verrrrry little of her compared to so many other One Piece dids. If I'm even allowed to suggest her, I think for bindings chains and seastone are always a good fit for One Piece gals, with a knotted cleave gag. But if this isn't allowed because I know the series is definitely not obscure, despite the character herself being fairly nonexistent in bondage, please disregard my vote! https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Alvida


hmmm very interesting question... Ideally the goal was to focus on characters from obscure series, but I guess I didn't word it precisely that. So with that being said, I can accept that since it is a wording error on my part as well that Alvida is a lesser known / non mainstream character in the One Piece pantheon of characters that she is acceptable. I will need to be more specific on that in the future :3


Watcher 2 aka Keeper aka Shara Jenn from Star Wars: the Old Republic https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/5/57/Shara_Jenn.png/revision/latest?cb=20161227080434 https://external-preview.redd.it/sBHBq-J0eY3RGy0Ku5wmKzrgqCMM20Zb4vufiE2X19s.jpg?auto=webp&s=6aa692606e4e2d8a026868cd123549e1c7e99f49. She is best Star Wars girlfriend, fight me!


Kanzeon Bosatsu from Saiyuki basically kicks off the whole story for the group to journey to the west and defeat the demon king and I have barely seen any Saiyuki mentions, let alone art from most places I normally watch. I enjoyed the series when I was a teen and this came to mind when you said obscure. https://saiyuki.fandom.com/wiki/Kanzeon_Bosatsu/Gallery

Magnolia Ducky

Magnolia Arch from Bravely Second: End Layer~ X3c https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/81WHD0u1dGL._AC_SL1500_.jpg https://cdn.ezcosplay.com/media/catalog/product/cache/88a5a78f5dc8f5fb801e9020fd0d9592/b/r/bravely_second_end_layer_magnolia_arch_cosplay_costume.jpg