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 Things finally feel like they're slowing down to a reasonable pace again, or at least it feels that way now that Labor Day is over. Retail sucks... Felt incredibly frustrated last month that I feel like I was only able to provide the bare minimum, so I'm fairly motivated to try and not let that happen again! ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ

Had a lot of fun doodling this Robyn. Thought this was an interesting angle to attempt and had a pretty interesting reference to use. Remember, all you artists out there, references are your friends! I really should use them more often... >->;;;


For those who are new to this thread, this is the place where you can submit ideas for me to draw. I pull things from this list if I otherwise can't think of anything to draw so there's no real 100% guarantee that your idea will get drawn. But if there's a character, situation, binding, gag, animation, gear, outfit, etc. you'd like for me to draw, suggest it here.

Anything is fair game here.




How about something with LFiM's Erin? He can likely provide the best link, given her evolving appearance.


Can I ask what the reference was? Robyn looks great here, although it seems like her captor "missed a spot" when it comes to that duct tape roll... Good to hear how driven you are to make more content, but please don't stress yourself out along the way (retail shifts more than take care of that!) Hoping you have a productive AND enjoyable September, what with Labor Day come and gone...we're all rooting for ya! Okay, suggestions. I'd really like to see something that, far as I know, isn't common in DiD pics; a bound and gagged damsel with her legs untied, fighting off foes armed with weapons or additional bindings. The character and binding/gag specifics are up to you!


had this illustration ( https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=4565495&tags=futaba_rio ) pulled up off to the side. wanted to try and dissect how it was constructed. Not sure how well I succeeded, but like the result regardless.


I would enjoy something French maid related. Maybe throw like a harness ball gag in with it too

Buck Caldwell

I'd still like to see Sasha from SnK suspended upside-down over a table desperately trying to reach a potato below her just out of teeth range. Also Alice from Food Wars.

Buck Caldwell

And don't forget the Crys-Torturing-Device we've talked about before =^.^=


Shiori getting suited up in an Inflatable hood or inflatable straight jacket , and Robin helping by blowing it up.


Skyver/Lexi's cowgirl Kit tied up. http://fav.me/dcrqdds , https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/429413515997085698/563550734143062062/Kit.jpg , http://fav.me/dcwb1w5 , http://fav.me/dcwyun5


Aggie in a balloon? https://www.dropbox.com/sh/ax1tpma9y0kddsi/AABCUHa_MjtyS6WqejTyjWx6a?dl=0


Mt Lady being wrapped up by Eraserhead offscreen!