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Feel like I probably went a bit overboard on this one in terms of quality for a 2nd place winner... >v>;;;; 

But I'll think about as a way for making up for being less than active this month ;v; It's been frustrating for me, but so goes the pains of daily life.

Had the opportunity to communicate with the character's creator, Aidenke, to figure out how best to treat her with the suggestion of  "Naughty after hours with the professor." Since they mentioned Amy was their most dom character they had, we figured that a POV picture might make for a nice alternative.




I think it turned out great! Love the sultry posing with the lowered shoulder and lidded eye expression! Also digging the POV; almost makes me want a follow-up from the other side! Nice! And that sucks about not being active; not gonna say "no worries" because it feels like something that's been bugging you, but I am gonna say that we, as patrons and supporters, are here for you, and you should take comfort that we will understand if you do what you need to to get to a better headspace. Thanks for the awesome art, Shio!


Well if this much quality goes into the 2nd place winner, I can only imagine what the 1st place one will look like; kudos to Aidenke as well for suggesting the concept of "naughty hours w/ professor" theme, especially since mid/late August to September is the common time of year that school years begin...talk about good timing! I do like how you switched up the perspective for this DiD pic, even though it means we don't get a full picture of the gag used...and, not that my opinion will mean all that much, but that kind of perspective from you is always worth looking forward to. Even on days when you feel frustrated for being "less than active," I hope you remember and/or are motivated by that. On another note, love how Amy apparently dressed up in the skintight uniform AFTER requesting Jo tell her about the symbolism and themes in the novel, a seriously good way to "captive-ate" her audience!