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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the Aug. 2019 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/standard-res-aug-29744510

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/august-2019-29605682


Compy just had a windows update and messed with my tablet's driver. Wanted to doodle some stuff to make sure it was all working out after tinkering around with some settings.

Pretty sure I'm stuck in an art block again. Happens from time to time, but that shouldn't be too big a problem to deal with if I focus on finishing up some older, unfinished things in the mean time.




Some very cute sketches here, all around! :)

Buck Caldwell

Don't forget, you also have extensive suggestion threads.


How do you determine if your tablet's working after an update? In the words of Neil Gaiman, "Make good art" and so you have here. I agree with Buck about considering the suggestion threads for inspiration, but I understand if you want to complete those unfinished projects first. Maybe you could even combine any other current ideas with suggestion comments as an additional way to beat your art block. Doodle captions: -"Ballgag, check. Straitjacket, check. Movie night is a go...wait what's with the blindfold?" -"You talking will just distract me, that wouldn't be professional." -"Finally, free of clothes and bindings...some would say there's really no difference."


I don’t know if you’re being rhetorical, but it isn’t hard to tell if the tablet is not working properly. Stuff like the pen pressure doesn’t feel right or other features aren’t working like they should.


Nice work, Shio. Nurse Shiori and Brady look great. So do Crys and hot spring Shiori


Nah just my terrible attempt at humor. Much better points on your part, btw.


tablet driver just wasn't loading on compy >v> without it, my cursor wouldn't move on the screen when I used my pen.