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As mentioned in the Aeria post; I've been thinking about butts a lot lately //v// Been also practicing a lot with Tracer more in Overwatch. 

She's fun to play, but still difficult to do well with ;v; One day I hope to be really good with her!!




That is a very nice butt. :P


Quirky, quippy and quick on her feet; you captured the spirit of Tracer perfectly, from her "Cheers love!"-esque pose and expression to the physical details of her outfit. And hey she didn't get bound and gagged! D.va and Mercy would be so jealous, I guess Lena was just too fast for her potential captor/s. Definitely would be down to see a color version of this, if you get the time for that in between playing as Tracer in for more practice! Good luck on upping your skills as the fASStest gal of Overwatch! No, that pun wasn't an accident.