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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the Aug. 2019 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/standard-res-aug-29744510

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/august-2019-29605682


Been trying to doodle this for a while now, but the previous attempts were constantly interrupted with power outages in my room ;v; I assume its just because it's been so hot out here lately, but happy this idea is just out of the way without anymore problems.

This was a suggestion from Aidenke of their OC Helen in a specific suit being dragged along by some robos :3

Gag is also filled with expanding foam btw ;3c




Let's hope those robots don't suffer similar outages while pulling Helen along like that. Just imagine what it'd be like for the engineer called in to fix the broken bots if that happened; they walk in ready for another routine job, only to find Helen "drooling"foam with her breasts exposed. Talk about the opposite of a typical work day. That butt! Those boobs! Typical responses they might be, but you do an excellent job rendering them in your style. Also just wanted to mention how much I love the added detail of one robotic arm holding Helen's glasses; while the other hold her tight or hold the "foam dispenser", it's nice to see that her glasses will remain undamaged throughout the process. And of course, barcodes in bondage are always awesome. It'd be even cooler if one was also printed over the panel gag, but as it is in this pic is still maximum fantastic! I'm guessing the cap over Helen's head is meant to cover up the rest of her face? If so, I'm glad the robots haven't completed that task as rendered here; her expression is perfect, like a mix of resignation and curiosity over what will happen next. Also, while this scenario is obviously fictional, I have to ask: how would all that expanding foam, combined with the panel gag, not cause Helen to choke while leashed and restrained like this? I'm guessing said foam is a sort of fantastical made up material that poses no such threat, not to mention she can still breathe through her nose.


To answer your couple of questions, the "cap" is actually the start of a hood which will cover her enter head once the gag is complete. The gag itself involves expanding foam withing a plastic pouch/bag, so that it fills the bag and does not present a choking hazard. There is a full story written behind the scenario that will one day be posted either on DA or another one of my sites!


Thanks for taking such good care of Helen here. LOVE the interpretation of the early-era Clocktower "intake" process, seeing that excellent gag-application scene from another fun angle. You nailed the style and she's got a super-cute arch as everything's pulled tight and getting overwhelming. :)


Aw thanks for answering my questions man, it's always cool to get a better idea of the story behind the picture. And speaking of stories, I can't wait to read the one about this scenario you plan on posting in the future. If not on dA, what other site would you upload said "Assembly Line" story to? Could you link the name?