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Took a little bit longer to finish up these panels than I thought from leaving off on stream. Super tired now, but feel I should comment a little bit about this page =v=

First off... I don't know what I want Crys to be telling herself at the moment. If anyone has any suggestions, I'm all ears cause lord knows I'm drawing a blank. Other panels I'm not too 100% sold on the sketch quality at this point. I might just be too tired at the moment and that's skewing my perception of them, but we'll see if I decide to alter them later or not when I'm a little more sober. They're probably fine and desire to sleep is jump starting paranoia. But seeing as I'm still awake right now, the top row is where most of my thoughts on that lie. Mostly not sure how well the rotation effect come across at the moment with pretty much just the background looking different. Again, it's probably fine. Plan for next page is a gradual continuation of the gagging sequence. Crys needs tape and lots of it :3c No more vocal dialogue from Crys from this point onward~! :3c

Anyways, goodnight and thanks for putting up with my tired rambling! =v=




-"Time for a taste test! I could use a little snack right about now." -"And now to begin the finishing touch, this is going to be fun..." -"I can't possibly enjoy you from all the way over there, can I?" Yeah kinda writing on the fly here, but they're the best I can come up with; maybe there's a scrap of humorous kink in one of them that you could combine with something better. For the rotation effect, I can see why you're worried about how it looks, it was initially hard to tell what was happening; I do appreciate that you chose to depict it through visuals only rather than writing "WHOOSH" off to the side, so points for effort there. One thing you continue to get spot on are the facial reactions of Crys here, even in black-and-white it works as looking realistically stylized. The last two panels, since they close-up on her face, achieve this to a particularly amazing degree. Also just noticed that, if you look at panel 4 from a certain angle, it almost looks like Crys is summong the underwear and vibrator through the use of Force powers. Not really related, I know, but just funny to think about. Maybe show motion lines around the rest of Crys's body as she moves? (I'm not sure if that would be visually realistic for the purposes of the comic, so feel free to disregard that). Definitely looking forward to seeing Cry's further adventures with the duct tape (I'm sure she''ll have plenty of fun!) I hope ya get plenty of sleep too; besides taking over for your coworkers and continually turning out your other works, all that energy needs to come from somewhere!

Buck Caldwell

"Who's been a good dragon?" or "Every good dragon deserves treats." "We can't have you disturbing the neighbors now, can we?" "I hope you're hungry, you're going to be chewing on this for a while." I think the motion is perfectly indicated with the motion lines and the leg position changes, on top of the background shift. As far as sketch quality, the only thing that stuck out to me is her mouth in panel 5. Otherwise it looks fabulous. Are you planning on coloring all of these eventually, or leaving it greyscale? I realize that's a lot of work, just curious if a decision has been made or if you're up in the air over it (ahem).


Now awake. Ye I think I'm gonna alter that panel 5. Initial thought is probably to try out a half eye lid look like in panel 6 and see how much that changes. I do plan on inking these and coloring as well. Similar quality I hope to what you might see in Wossa's comic


Thanks. Revisiting that woosh thing might help yeah. Putting in on whole body vs just leg might sell it better I think. I need time off from work. I feel dead there =v=;;;


Any line joking about "eating/tasting" her little mouth stuff will be good. What a naughty dragon 😏👌