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I know I've been pretty quiet lately and I just wanted to post something to give some sort of update. Lately I've been visiting my brother who has come home from Japan and its resulted in a little bit less time doodling than I expected and would have liked. Also, for the past couple days, I've been waking up with panic attacks lately which has been killing my drive. I still have a ton more I want to do this month and its starting to creep on me that May is almost over (probably a reason why I haven't been sleeping well lately). Trying to stay sane and focused, but sometimes its difficult. Hopefully that doesn't sound too weird, probably lack of sleep lately. New comic pages will be worked on this weekend and fan poll winners will get sketched soon as well. In the mean time. I hope to doodle more while I'm home visiting family and hope I get to actually sleep well tonight without problems.

A fun thing that happened while I've been back home is that I got my mom hooked on the John Wick franchise :P




Best wishes Shio!


As much as I love seeing updates for your drawings (whether bondage-focused or not), it's really crucial that you take care of yourself as well. I for one appreciate how upfront you are about the struggles and difficulties you face, because at the end of the day you are human, not a machine that just spits out cool art day after day, rinse-repeat. Also I just realized that I'm responding to a post from a week ago, but dangit I don't care. It's good to hear that you're spending time with your family as well, not to mention that you got your mom hooked on an excellent franchise (and the third one just came out, excellent timing!) I get that it can be difficult balancing out all those aspects of your life, yet the fact that you do so while producing extremely well-done art shows that you can do it quite well. I get the feeling that what I post here might come off as needless pandering, but i do really mean it about keeping up the fight against your own self-doubt. And it's not just so that you keep making cute or adorkable bondage pics of popular anime/ated characters; I became one of your patrons because, aside from turning out great art, you've been working at this for a while with results that show just how much you've improved. Feel free to criticize me for leaving such a longwinded speech-rant, and I look forward to your next awesome artistic rendition!


thank you for your concern. I really appreciate it. :3 I really need to teach my subconscious that vacations and breaks are necessary. I am trying to take care of myself the best I'm able to. Listening to ASMR has really been helping me calm down =v=