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This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the May 2019 Dropbox links

Standard Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/standard-res-may-29744450

Hi-Res: https://www.patreon.com/posts/may-2019-hires-27291629


Saw Detective Pikachu last night and I gotta say, it was everything I wanted when I was a kid. I know it's not the best movie, it has it's problems like everything else does, but I felt joy and wonder throughout my entire experience with it and would love to see it again. It felt very much like a movie by fans for fans. I look forward to seeing more pokemon movies in the future like this hoping they have bigger budgets to do a lot more.

Managed to finish 2 things tonight in my quest to figure out how to improve my art output. I think I'm getting closer to a nice middle ground from my usual way of producing art. Largely, obsessing over quality when I know I'm probably the only one who's going to notice. I've been trying out a new pen thats been easier to use and makes it so that I'm not constantly editing my lines as I go ...as much... I'm also trying to allow my linework to be imperfect. As you can see here, they still look clean, but they are still pretty sketchy compared to my usual. I think this might be a healthy change for me. I still plan to make the fan polls and commission work pretty pristine. 

Anyway, enjoy Rocat's new sleepy dragon girl, Eryth :3




Wow, this is super duper cute! Eryth is a serious cutie and she looks so fantastic in your style. Great work on her expression in particular. Gorgeous stuff!


The ropework and body-roundness in here inside them is all kinds of brilliant. Great work, Shio! :D


I love her design and the situation. Going to be tough to fall asleep when she's stimulated like that