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I've been thinking about this for a while now but I think I'm going to put patreon on hiatus during the month of December. So I will not be charging any of you next month. This decision is largely due to part of several reasons, one of which is so that I can focus on standing commissions and get those out of the way. Another being that I'm able to work on fun stuff to post here without them feeling like they're more out of obligation for a while. I still plan to draw holiday themed pics after all :D 

Think of this both as a holiday gift to you as well as an apology for the less than fulfilling month of November. 

Some other updates, while I'm at it, is that I've been planning to restructure the tiers during December as I find it necessary to do so. More information will be announced concerning those changes both when (A. it gets closer to January and (B. I finalize what specifically is going to be changed. 

Another thing to mention is that I plan to loosely draw a road map for the comic project so that proper work can begin on pages at the start of the new year.

With that, I think I've said everything I need to for now. Thanks for your time and continued support.



A break every now and then is super-important, especially around a time where things can get tricky enough. Here's hoping you'll feel a lot better knocking some things out and that there'll be an even brighter 2019 ahead!


Thanks for the heads up