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might have gotten a bit riled at the way the girls were treated this episode. I don't regret it, but I am interested in your thoughts surrounding what happened in the ep and if you guys have had similar experiences watching things like this in the past. I'm just someone who can't help but share my frustrations when I think someone is being treated unfairly, so I hope you understand :]



Minyoung was having a hard time during Sixteen. She was going to debut with 6MIX. When that was delayed and cancelled she lost confidence and that is part of the reason she didn't do as well as she could have. Jihyo and Jeongyeon, i believe, came close to quitting too after the 6MIX stuff. I think that was why they started in Minor.


The whole JYP talk about 'having your own feel / character' is so hard to explain and is vague the first time you watched it. It is somewhat subjective of course, but its something that JYP really looked for in these survival show. The way i see it its something like Stage Presence but still maintaining your own personality type thing (Face expression, the way you convey emotion through either your voice and/or motions.). But the only reason i can even slightly understand this is when i watched all the other JYP survival shows (Nizi Project, Loud Project, and A2k (especially A2k cause they speak in English)) and there he actually explain this a little bit better maybe also because of the sub on Sixteen is not the best. Now at the end of the day i do feel like its a little bit too subjective especially if you are judging someone for being an idol (who mainly dance and sing) but JYP does value that character and star quality really high and it really shows from the groups that are formed from these shows. So sometimes the more skilled person in dance and vocals can be beaten by someone who JYP 'deems' to have that x-factor. And usually these 'X factors' really manifests after they debuts. I also think everyone has their own 'X factors' but JYP picks whoever shows it in the present.


Also this show who was aired on M-Net and as far as i know M-Net does have some say in the format of the show. So i always feel like the whole 'Minor and Major' thing is MNet's idea (which I disagree wholeheartedly, how are they suppose to perform on the same level when they are treated differently XD). Because in Nizi Project and A2K the format was so much better maybe because of JYP Ent. experience in running this survival show but also maybe because of it airs on JYP's YT channel and they basically have full control over the formats, choices and decision made during the show. Also Sixteen is a product of its time in a way where the Kpop industry (I'll argue the Eastern part of the world as a whole) was still values hardship and harshness as something to overcome and become 'successful'. (I am also an Asian who lived through these expectations and value most of my life :))


Final remarks; we all love the photographer and her remarks about the girls (laugh sarcastically). This whole evaluation from the photoshoot is really dumb imo i forgot this happens (i had deleted this from my brain as to not get infuriated).


sorry for the essay, i hope it helps sheds a light on the show, JYP and JYP entertainment a little bit. :D. Also sorry if my writing is hard to understand and if there is typos, English is not my first language.


As a side note A2K is a much tamer and actually really good survival show overall imo. But i know your rule about no group with minors currently. So maybe in the future you can react to that :D

every time I watch this episode it still makes me mad, this photographer was just tearing them down and not giving directions on how to improve, she created a tense environment instead of doing her job


There was a lot in this episode to get upset with. That photographer was just awful! And just a note as a former teacher, a parent, and someone who still works in a school...there is a difference between tough love and being mean. If you don't have some tough love, those kids are going to run you out of the classroom fast!! I see it happen all the time! You can have tough love along with positive feedback.