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Scoups you sweetheart I love you to death <333 I love that he's always been such a good and thoughtful leader right from the start.

...don't get me started on them taking the boys' food away or I'll lose it. this is like seventeen project all over again lol.



I'm too lazy to comment everything I actually want to comment. Lol I think you and I would have enjoyed watching this together for real. After I watched this the first time, I watched again with my husband just so I had someone to complain with. He is a Carat though. Anyway, he didn't take my side though. He was like sure it was tough but it was a long time ago and it's probably cultural and they're guys etc etc. We had a big fight, made up, laughed about it and finished the show. Now I've seen this series at least 15 times. It's become one of my favorites. Something I found out, though I'm not 100 percent sure it's true, is that the production team was not expecting them to be resourceful. They didn't expect them to go fish on their own like they did or ask for food. This episode is the first morning and the next one is still the first day. So they did plan to give them food. Still like they just had them show up and ugh. I couldn't get over how they don't have hot water or a stove etc. .. I don't even mean to cook but just for heat. I'm thinking the floors might be heated though. Anyway. P.S. The Japan season is not like this thankfully. This actually wasn't everything😅