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what variety/interview/game content do you want to see from me for Dreamcatcher? oh, and for some good news, ep 2 of Dreamcatcher Mind will be up this week on my channel :]



Don't feel too bad for "You and I". At least some of them remembered it. "What" is the real victim here. "What" already has a wrap for being the "forgotten title track". They got "What" during one of those segments and literally none of them knew what to do. Really didn't help out the song's reputation. lol As for content, if you haven't watched any of their boy group covers, those are a lot of fun. One of my favorites has to be Yooh and Dami doing "Baby Don't Stop". I can put together a list of things, if you'd be interested in that.


I'll admit, I haven't watched a massive amount of Weekly Idol, but I assume most groups don't go on there and talk about grabbing ass and showering naked with each other. I feel like that's a safe assumption. Love them so much for being, you know, themselves.


For variety content to watch i would recommend dreamcatcher world. There are 4 short episodes (10-20mins each). You can also always watch more dreamcatchers note or their vlogs.

Javiera Herrera

Watch Oh My! Of Seventeen Cover live by Siyeon, Sua and Yoohyeon, and I recommend The world of Dreamcatcher, that's a dramma parody really funny


POOR WHAT... I will pretend I haven't neglected that song either. TT extra love to it after I realized lmaooo. the bg covers is a great idea though! i don't want you to go through any trouble, but if you have a list that would be lovey <3


I don't mind at all. Give me a day and I'll get some stuff pulled together. I'll probably include some co-ed stuff too, if that's cool.