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THIS WAS SO FUN!! dami cracks me up so much. I think she's creeping up on me as an unexpected bias wrecker for sure. and then there's always gahyeon and sua who I relate to on the deepest of levels because they can't help but being loud.



Btw if youre interested in watching vlives(i think you mentioned that before) theres a new yt channel (DCverse) that is translating a lot of them recently (old and new ones)


ooh okay!! that's so up my ally and I'll 100% check that out. are there any iconic vlives I should be sure to watch, or just go for the ones that look interesting?


I think you can just go for ones you feel like watching but i will say that the amount of members in the live does usually correlate to the amount of chaos. (Or if sua is involved…then its always chaotic)