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what a roller-coaster of emotions... someone stop me before I go after these showrunners. 



This show is so tough to watch, poor boys 😭 But watching all of what they went through really makes the lyrics of the Seventeen Leader's recent song 'Cheers' even more meaningful. 'Cheers' basically talks about how they came from nothing (13 people sharing a room) and how everyone thought they would fail because they had too many members, but look at them now, how they built their success against the odds, etc. And they show off their rings. The members all still wear their rings but they get new ones every year, I believe. Back when they debuted, Pledis was so broke, the members didn't even have in-ears for them to wear. If you watch all their live show performances from the first 2 years, you can see they just performed with the mic taped to their cheek and no in-ears.


If it helps - without spoiling too much - this show does get a little easier to watch after the first couple of episodes <3 but yeah their trainee and rookie days were rough 😔 the other comment pointed out the in-ears, and i also remember they’d go on variety shows to win food or toiletries bc they had no money for that, or how they’d pass the same pair of ripped jeans around bc they all wanted to wear them 😭 they joked about it but it’s still sad they had to live like that… thankfully they grew pretty quickly tho. and yes you’re right 17tv is mostly unsubbed, but don’t worry, watching it isn’t essential to getting to know them ~ if i may suggest something else instead, it’s their 7th anniversary video from this year - though it’s better to save it for a later time when you’re more familiar with the group. 7th anniversary is a big deal bc idol contracts are 7 years. svt renewed their contracts a year in advance (in 2021) and they talk about the process of it and reflect on their journey as a group in this video. it’s pretty insightful.

Emily Davidson

Yeah, that was really hard to watch - I've seen random clips, but never watched through the episodes until now and I was so frustrated. Watching it with you instead of by myself will be nice. So much respect for our guys

Lauren S

Just a fun fact because you asked, Seventeen used to share one bathroom and would shower three people at a time lol

krizhe ming

Yes, this series will be an emotional one. Like you'd feel variety of emotions. At first, it will be like this - frustrations, anger, sadness. But you'll also feel proud, happy and excited for them as it goes on... One thing that may give you a relief is that it's a non-elimination show. It's more of just their road to debut as one team. For context, the '17tv' you mentioned, the one like Big Brother live broadcast, had various seasons started 2013. That's where you get to see their training life, including evaluations and performances. There were trainees that come and go around those seasons. The last ones to join were Jeonghan, Joshua, then The8 was casted from a contest, and the final team was completed. In 2015, during the ring ceremony clip you saw, the members were fixed and leaders were assigned. (They get new rings every time a new full album is released.)


okayyy the non-elimination part makes me happy, even if i do know that all of them get to debut anyway. and thanks for the context! i'll have to eventually see if there are any 17tv compilations on youtube or something to get some of the interesting clips!


awww this is super sweet <3 i'm happy watching it with someone else can make the experience more enjoyable at least!


OH that sounds fantastic... yeah maybe i'll wait until i'm a bit further down the line but anniversary videos are always really nice to watch

krizhe ming

Here's a yt channel i follow with 17tv subbed clips - https://youtube.com/c/17TVtube