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Unfortunately my PC didnt survived, that spawn of hell destroyed 99% of my files and programs and theres no way to decrypt them at least in the near future, im absolutely devastated, there was my life during the last 10 years, there where a lot of files from previous computers that i cant get back... i have only a small backup and there where a lot of ways to prevent it but i didnt listened... i dont have the right mindset nor the right tools to work as im used to be at least for the next week, so, in the meantime i thought on something, i will let you guys from paid tiers decide for some characters and situations that are similar or related to my content, including both normal and expanded, please write me simple ideas and characters in the comments below, and maybe i'll do a poll of them to decide for the most popular ideas and those will become sketches that i will release in the next few days, and maybe, when i feel better they can become full fledged drawings when i get my PC back to normal (as most as im able to), also im opening the option for 15$ sketches too, in case any of you guys are interested, im really sorry for this inconvenience and im grateful for your support in these challenging times...



Bryce Harper

I'm so sorry man. I know that there will soon be a way to decrypt them and get your files back. I'm so sorry this happened.