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“From all accounts, there are only Three Carrions left in  Nasij. We (and by that I mean the Choir) got rid of our own, but others  seem happy with containing their own, as if they’re not gonna lay waste  to anything around them. Stupid fucking zhojjkks.

Anyway. The Carrions are Majhul Flesh-From-Below that gained  sentience and burst forth from the bowels of Nasij, being so large you  can see them in the sky quite often. These things, while (relatively)  stationary, are EXTREMELY dangerous and SHOULD NOT be approached or  interacted with EVER under penalty of DEATH or WORSE.

…The Second Carrion is slightly above my office and I hate it. I  always hope that a drop of gold is going to strike it at some point but  alas, if it's never happened in the millenia of its existence, it never  will.”

  • Albe Ombrelune, Al-Katib al-Awwal



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