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“The Rahim is an extremely popular (and gradually more  expensive) Lahm construct that’s used for transition of any form or  degree. It goes without saying that since being trans is a revered -one  might say holy- part of being Ysleria, medicine on that front has  advanced in strides since the Caliphate’s inception. Coupled with the  latent Lunar (i.e fertile) magic imbuing each rahim, they make for  extremely potent constructs. They sometimes gain consciousness, but no  worries, nothing a quick lobotomy can’t fix !

When a patient wants to transition, they are injected with a  bone chip at the base of the neck (not in the neck slots that we all  have) that will gather all thoughts for a day; during this time, they  have to visualize their ideal self as much as they can, which will be  gathered by the chip and used to imbue the construct.

The patient can then be immersed in and plugged to the rahim,  where they will be kept in stasis for three days, and will be birthed as  themselves.

Do not worry; your chip will be discarded, of course…”

  • Albe Ombrelune, Al-Katib al-Awwal



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