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“Jjast-Binding is a strictly hereditary discipline, with Binding Clans being amongst the most high ranking of nobles in the Caliphate. This holy practice is highly regulated and extremely expensive - indeed, Binding Clans are very few and absurdly rich. So much so in fact that all Binders use tools made of Sabj, worth more than entire warrens. Some Clans still use this tool as a blade, while for most, the whole index finger is replaced with sabj for better dexterity.

Any Binder can engrave either a person or an item - for instance, all Ambrenoyr ships are engraved.

When Binders carve the latent power of an Arcana into your flesh, know that this decision is permanent, and even removing the skin itself does not remove the card from you. Each card grants a minor blessing that is inherent to said arcana without any crystal consumption. It’s the only way for mana-locked people to access some form of magic. Every engraved arcana is naturally Aspected.

Do NOT try to become a Sahir after having a Arcana engraved into you, as its mere presence WILL fuck up any and all Sequences you might attempt.”

  • Albe Ombrelune, Al-Katib al-Awwal



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