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While builders and weavers loom the yarn of buildings and ysleria, Druids weave the Tapestry Itself and Its Ink, alterating Its nature. From summoning “rain”, to healing crops of mushrooms and bringing what little livestock there is back to life, druids are a (literal) pillar of the Caliphate and revered as such. 

Druids, due to their specific consumption of their own crystals, slowly undergo a Shrouding - turning into stone. Each spellcast (which takes so long it's akin to a ritual) must use the Unseen arcana and raises your Shrouding. Shrouding is reduced by 1% for each extra druid present for each spellcast, which is why druids usually work in Covens.


A few example spells are : 

  • Be Blessed and Be Regrown : Heals mushroom crops. Three cards. Shrouding : 2.5%

  • Be Aided and Walk Pilgrim : Rejuvenates (but doesn't heal) an exhausted body, but also causes sporadic ink mushroom growth on the target. Two cards. Shrouding : 8.5%

  • Be Divided and Sprout : Cover a barren area with grass and tufili spores. Five cards. Shrouding : 15%

  • Be Freed and Unleashed : Summon shahid saliva in the form of a torrential rain. Nine cards. Shrouding : 25%

  • Be Embraced and Surrender : Drowns the target in a lake of its own ink. Seven cards.  Shrouding : 20.5%

  • Be United in Her Warmth : Call upon a real-world version of the Heart of Karaburan, Saint of the Farmers. Brings dead crops and livestock back to life, and cures any source of blight. Ten cards. Shrouding : 100%



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