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“I’m Hassan sahir vharr Ombrelune - Void take this fucking name. I was a huthal slave until I became a Ra’d sahir to escape this accursed fate. 

I would swear by all the Gods that I will do what I can to tear it all down, but there wouldn’t be anyone to listen, now, wouldn’t it ? Especially not that oversized flesh bag. 

We must seize our destiny for ourselves - no one is listening, and no one is coming.

But mark my words, these highborn fuckers will have what’s fated for them, from the towers of Al’abhan to the Caliph’s Palace; and though lightning sears my flesh to ash and gnashes my bones into dust, I will see my people freed from the Caliphate’s grasp. 

And if I cannot, let it all drown in blood.”

  • Hassan

All slaves have “Zéphyr” tattooed in Njord under the right eye, marking them as property and not individuals.



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