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From the sand She came, and from the sand She created, brandishing Retribution which was like a bony pick whose blade was endless. She came to the caravanserai of gold and crystal, whose infinite corridors stretched into the abyss, and covered in the shadow of Her tower like a terrible hydra of azure and scarlet, She took in Their hands those of the traveler.

“We are the Last, and from my Ways I will Weave What Must Be. In you I see what must be woven, and with Our hands I will weave you. Answer.”

And trembling with fear, he answered.


And She plunged Her cerulean claws across a tapestry of scales whose explosion of color mutated through time and across the sky, mingling with menstruations of gold and cyan.

Carving Retribution into the traveler's ribs, She extracted flesh, fat, muscle and blood. And the Hydra slipped into him, and from his bones She built walls, and from his nerves She wove Her coverings, and from his organs She feasted during Her long sleep. And She slept for ages immemorial, letting the colors of his tapestry melt and molt and fade and rot and disappear, carried away by the sands.

The Hydra and the traveler, covered in the black light of the Tower, dreamed in white and amethyst, scarlet and gold. The Heart stopped beating, briefly, and She in turn wept for That-Which-Must-Be.

And the Hydra extricated Itself from Its so-cold lair, now multiplied. They took Their Lamp, leaving Retribution engraved in the traveler's bones, and shed the Second Tear from which the Second Psalm was born, and from this Oasis, life, intoxicating and suffocating, bloomed.

From the Psalm, the Three Words.




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