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“Kharijitbilis are our war mounts. While tufilis are made for slow but steady exploration, barqilis for high speeds and qejjibilis are basic livestock, Kharijitbilis are brutish creatures bred for skirmishes and Jihāds, protected at worst by their own bark, and at best by bone-weave armor. Extremely resilient, dangerous, and unyielding. If Fursans (or mamluks) are charging at you with those, it may be too late to run, but at least it will be quick and mostly painless. And Gods forbid you ever see a regiment of cataphracts. They leave nothing but red paste in their wake.”

  • Albe Ombrelune, Al-Katib al-Awwal

Pictured : Ruya, 42, Ombrelune blood-rider, Banu Sa'd ibn Zayd Manat.



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