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“Gods dammit. I suppose I have to talk about those too. Ugh. Fine. Look, I…can’t really feel much, if anything, touch-wise. Something happened and caused all my nerve endings and sensitivity to get either annihilated for the most part, or raised to the high stars for some. That’s why I mostly lost interest in…normal…sex, as my genitals (Void, basically almost my entire body at that point) now have the sensitivity of a piece of wood. Try as you might, I won’t give a single shit. 

So, the nipples. Those are my remaining high stars, for now. Very, verrrrry high stars. Obviously it started small with just touching, to small insertions to, the two heavy golden monsters I have inserted in my tits nowadays. Keeps a nice, low happy buzz in my brain for most of the day. And obviously I have to keep them all the time to not display the giant gaping holes I have instead of nipples, now.”

  • Albe Ombrelune, Al-Katib al-Awwal



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