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Okay so I have something important to do, art-wise. I need to push myself to the max for once. The Throneroom pic was me at my…what, 70% ? Less ? It's a shame. I need to do bigger. And I will. Starting march 11, I'm gonna spend 2 or 3 days sketching something, then inking it - might finish on saturday, might not. Worst case scenario, it's gonna take me until the 18th (considering i rest on sunday). I’m always surprising myself at how goddamn fast I can work sometimes, so we’ll see.

I won’t color it right after, I’ll need to wash my brain with some T&A lmfao

So uh, yeah, stay tuned and thank you for your patience during this time of No Sirocco Ass, but I need to do that for myself. Toodles !


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