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Hey! I usually spend Christmas by myself but this year I will be with a friend, so I won't be paying much attention to the internet for a short while. So here's little me wishing you all a Merry Christmas in advance.

I also want to let you guys know that I'm working on a commission and the poll drawing. I feel I've been slow these past few days and I apologize. To be honest this month has been kind of a downer, I've had a couple of issues, problems with PayPal, money and the workload to compensate for my hiatus due to my time in the hospital, to name a few. It has clearly affected my creative process this week which sucks. I really wanted to finish those two drawings before Christmas.

Looking at the bright side I'm picking up the pace so hopefully I'll be done before New Year's Eve and next month it's looking much more better, just have to get there lol.

So yeah, don't mean to sour the holydays nor worry you guys, some mild frustration aside I'm doing good. Just wanted to send my best regards to you and break the silence here, since I haven't posted anything for a few days now. 

As always I thank you deeply for your support.

Merry Christmas!


I play Vidya

I hope you have a great time with your friend! Merry Christmas! 😊


Merry Christmas and please take your time to enjoy yourself friend