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Hey y'all!
I wanted to give you all an update. So, I've been going hardcore into creative side and I'm really close to finishing Volume 0.

As of right now I have four chapters' first drafts done and I'm close to having the fifth one done as well. The last chapter will be the sixth one. Ending on chapter 171.

So, I hope to get Ch.166 Trapped with a One Eyed Freak. Out Sunday night but it might be a Monday release since I have a lot of personal stuff happening Sunday.

Next six chapters:

Ch.166: Trapped with a One Eyed Freak

Ch.167: Made it to the Surface

Ch.168: This is your Punishment.

Ch.169: This is Farewell, For Now

Ch.170: Cyndre's Ultimatum

Ch.171: I Believe We Should Hire the Mercs <<<FINAL CHAPTER!

Thanks you all! You're all awesome!



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