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Hey all!

Just giving you all an update on what I was planning.

Start of all I have the first draft of ch. 144 of IGIWS done and would have gotten it out by tomorrow but I'm out of town at the moment.

The next thing is I have around 5 more chapters of Mr. Smith's Magical Touch that I need to clean up. The thing that is taking up my time is one: the chapters are longer than my usual chapters. And two: I'm generating images of the characters. I'm hoping to get some images out for ch. 3 and get ch. 4 out sometime this week.

Lastly, I'm going to try and get The Soul Mirror going again. I sort of started a first draft but I need to reread my book to get the details of the characters and what was happening in the timeline.

Anywho that's what has been on my mind. And I hope to get this stuff out to you as soon as possible.

Thanks all! You are all the best!



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