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If you haven't done so, I would recommend you guys logging into Discord to get access. It's actually much easier for me to post on discord versus Patreon, so right now I'm just filling out my portfolio there. I'll also be adding some unrevealed content from the past, and will be adding a new section for the darker stuff if you're interested. 

If you have already paid for this month, I changed the tiers so that you can get a discord role that is appropriate to your payment. All you have to do is click tier rewards and you should be linked to Discord with full access. 




My only question is, will your membership remain at patreon in the future, or will it move to discord?


The membership and fees will stay at Patreon because it's how I get paid. I'm using Discord just as an image server; Discord itself does not enable payments.


Hey just want to chime on this one too. I really love your work, the character, background, story and model are super well made . But I think putting the ending of storyline behind 40 $ paywall is outright scummy and predatory. The 40$ Salem impale scene basically just unimpaling the impaled girl. Nothing gory or dark at all . And the author don't even put anything on 40$ goblin story yet. I really hope this comment could change someone mind. Please think before YOU putting 40$ for couples of pages that doesnt make much different to story. Use your brain and stop listening to your P***s for once. Thank you for the artwork, but i wont support this predatory business model and neither should you.