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Took me half a month but I've finally finished this! 💪💚

Though I'm not completely happy with everything (got lazy in a few places), I'm still very proud of it. It's been so long since I did something just for myself, and who knows when I'm gonna be able to do it again? 

I wanted to encapsulate my ideal She-Hulk image with this piece. I'm a big fan of her art in the late 80s - early 90s so I wanted to do an homage to that. Think I did a solid enough job with the scene, the vibe, and especially her crazy hair :)))

This is also my first public Patreon post, I'd like to try this from time to time. 

Patrons will have access to more exclusive content like this (preview, PSD, personal blog) along with my enormous gratitude for helping to keep the lights on 🙏
