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  • Z.Lizardman Male Color Customization Demo.mp4



I finally took the time to fully learn and understand all the features of Auto Rig Pro. The addon offers so many convenient features that blender should have by default. Such as a proper bone selection layer system that doesn't need to be initiated through a custom python script. It also has a ton of great tools to ensure the rig isn't overly convoluted with unintuitive controls.

One feature I've definitely taken advantage of is the ability to pin custom bone properties to a sub menu. This allows me to make customization of the colors and model accessories much more accessible. It sure beats having to go into the shader editor to manually connect different nodes just to change out a color scheme!

Progress is coming along very nice. The male version is nearing it's completion and soon after so shall the female and SFW versions!




Super glad you were able to find a more intuitive workflow! :D And this boy is looking GREAT!! :D