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If it wasn't obvious already, It's been quite a while since I've done any sort of update on any model or animation progress. And things may continue to slow down in the future.

I've had to get another job to help keep myself out of the deep end with all of my financials. One thing I never really anticipated (but probably should have) was that being a Patreon creator is not the same as a W-2 employee. Meaning that taxes aren't withheld on each "paycheck". And because of this I now owe quite a decent amount. An amount which I really have no way of getting without going back to a full time job.

I had left my old job a year ago and wanted to really try this whole Patreon thing out as a primary source of income. But the cost in doing so meant that I would be floating off of my savings for the next year. I learned a lot over the year; both artistically and personally. I have ambitions that I often fall short of which is very evident of the many animation projects that are stuck in the "work-in-progress limbo", but I think I've at least delivered when it comes to the models I release. Albeit they themselves are often stuck in "update limbo" but fortunately can still provide a lot of use.

"Do I see myself continuing to create and share stuff on Patreon or some other platform in the future?"

 I think the answer would be 'very likely'.

"Do I see myself becoming a full-time creator in the future?"

That answer is very unlikely.

My creative inspiration really comes in waves and my aptitude to work on projects is very fleeting. There is still so much that I want to do but I find myself losing interest after a few days or if some major technical hurdle comes in the way. I truly do want to create the best model in my niche that I possibly can.

"So, what happens next?"

As of recent I've really just been treating my Patreon as a sort of store-front for my models. Some of you may wonder why I don't just host my models on a site with a marketplace that better suites that functionality. And that has been something I've considered in the past. But I feel like for $6-$12 I provide a pretty compelling deal. And then there's the added benefit of allowing folks to continue financial support after having obtained the models.

And that's basically my whole little update as to what's been going on. I should be getting back on my feet over the next month now that I don't have to deal with any of this financial stress. I do really feel bad that I haven't been giving much as of late and the continued support even though these times has really lifted a ton of weight off my shoulders.

I love y'all and hope to give back more soon! <3



It do be like that sometimes. Go and get that bread! Best of luck to you!


Do what you need to do to make it out there. We like your content and want to support you. So take your time.