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A big part of my Patreon is the models that I create for people to use whether it be to learn animation or to simply expand their character library for their current or future animation projects. And I want to continue creating the best models that I can. But creating models takes a monstrous amount of work. A lot of it tedious and laborious. I would like to get some feedback so that I can steer my efforts in the most optimal direction and provide what everyone wants.

So my question is this,

Should I continue creating 'generic' models that have rudimentary customization options? These models having the full intent to be edited and customized by the user so they can create their own characters.

Or should I instead start making popular, non-OC models. Such as Renamon or Salazzle, for example. This may mean that I only create a NSFW version

Some part of me already knows the answer to this. I made the Lizardmen to round off my character library with some anthro models and also with the idea that they would be an even greater success than that of the dino and drake. But sadly they didn't garner the attention I had hoped.

The next model I had in mind was a western dragon style model. I know dragons are a big part of the vore community and the scalie community as a whole. So my intuition tells me that unlike my prior releases, these models would have a much greater appeal. But I can never be too sure and that's why I would love to here from you all with how I should set my focus.


Speem mcgeem

I appreciate the creativity of your OCS models but if you want to do non-ocs thats cool

Nico Wolf

Love everyones comments and agree 100%, for me I would love to be able to watch your animation workflow on some of these models, I'm sure I would learn a lot seeing the creator bring motion to them!