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Lars loved Indianna Jones, and he wanted to dress as him for Halloween so bad. But, as always he was broke. So doing the costume right seemed unatainable for him. But then he saw the ad next to his email, “Cheap costumes guaranteed to give you the look you crave.”

It was his last few bucks, but Lars wanted to be Indianna Jones so bad, so he looked over the website. Unfortunately there weren't any pics, just titles like “Masked killer” or “Mutant amphibian” Then he saw what he was looking for, “Adventurer” That had to be an indianna Jones type right?


A few days later there was a plastic bag at his door. He picked it up and knew exactly what it was. His costume finally arrived. He tossed it on the futon and texted all of his friends. He was finally able to go party with them like they wanted.

Lars stripped down to his boxers before opening the package and a thick odor spilled out of the bag. He dropped it coughing and wheezing. That smell was so strong.

He was coughing and wheezing so much that he didn't notice the bag moving, the clothes were moving all their own. The shirt crawling up one leg while the shorts crawled up the other. But Indianna didn't wear shorts, he wore long pants. And this tank top, feels small and tiny. This doesn't feel like Indy's clothes at all.

The flimsy shorts wrapped around his thighs as his legs tingled as they slimmed and the hairs fell right off of them. Becoming so long and smooth. The shorts wrapped around his ass and he felt his cheeks lifting and plumping into a firm spankable ass. Lars reached around and grabbed himself, feeling his hand becoming thinner and more feminine.

The shirt was working it's magic around his shoulders as they became more triangular and the muscle seemed to melt away so easily. Lars was spooked by all this for sure, but something was off, it was starting to feel good.

When the leather straps started wrapping around Lars' chest, and he could feel his chest expanding, that's when the fear gave way to euphoria. Lars wasn't hoping it would stop anymore, he was begging for it to keep going. His cock got hard when the shorts wrapped around his groin and he could feel his testicles rising back up inside him. He grabbed onto his thighs as he could feel that hard rod slipping up inside him. Lars' hands rose up and grazed what was at one time the sacks that held his balls, but now soft pettable pussy lips.  It cause his whole body to shiver and shake, God it felt amazing.

He fell back in his couch unable to get his hand out from between his legs.

When Lars slipped his fingers inside he knew that he was no longer a he, but a she, a wonderful beautiful she. Her hands were so soft, and her pussy was so wet, she knew she wasn't going to make it to the party,

There was a knock at the door, and Lara got up to answer it, when there was a beautiful blonde in a hockey mask, she propped a machette over her shoulder, “Killer, you?”

Lara looked a little surprised and squeaked “Adventurer. Lars, now Lara, you?”

“Jason, now Jayce.”

They both kind of laughed, as Lara pulled Jayce in for a wonderfully sexy Halloween night.


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