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Tina and Sheena were best friends and getting to go to a party was always a dream ever since they met each other in the first grade. But even at 10 their parents both agreed that  the girls were just too damn young.

“This sucks!” Tina pouted as she fell back on her butt in the fairy costume. “I mean I think I'm super mature!”

“And me too!” Sheena squealed. She shoved her arms in a cross, sticking out her lower lip.

“I mean, we're fairies!  We should have super fairy magic and stuff to make us older!” Tina reasoned.

Sheena took her little star wand and waved it about angrily and accidentally booped Tina on the nose.

“Hee hee!” Tina giggled and then sneezed, hard! “ACHOO!” Sheena's eyes went wide as she watched Tina explode taller when she sneezed. “All that fairy dust went right up my nose. It tickled!”

Sheena reached out and booped her nose again. “Hee hee ACHOO!” BRRRIIIPP! Tina giggled again and shot up another spurt taller, she was getting older with every little boop. She was getting so much bigger her costume was starting to rip.

Tina looked down and marveled at her body, so much taller, curvier, and older! Sheena pushed the wand in her hand. “Oo! Do me! Do me!”

Tina waved the wand around and booped Sheena on the nose. She giggled, and sneezed and felt what Tina didn't describe. Her body stretching and popping as it popped into it's older form, but not quite as old as her friend. “Again!” She giggled, and Tina did just that.

Sheena stretched taller and curvier as her costume gave way to her developing curves. Tina handed her the wand back. “I think it just goes better with your costume than mine.

The two posed in front of the mirror. “I think you're absolutely right!”

“So, which party are we going to hit up first?”

“Anyone we want!” The two former girls, now women, laughed at their fortune and left to paint the town red, as the song suggested.


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