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Patricia was just about to leave for the costume party when she took a look around her apartment. Ugh it was such a mess! Bruce never picked up after himself.  But she was not going to come back to a pigsty, what if she wanted to bring someone back after the party?

She started to pick things up when she realized how ridiculous she looked, dressed in a silly French Maid costume, actually cleaning her apartment. There was a strange sensation though, every time she bent over to pick something up, she's stand up and feeling light headed. Bend, pick something up, toss it in the basket.

This place will be picked up in no time, at least it would be if it wasn't getting more and more difficult every time Patricia picked something up. Like the clothes were getting heavier and heavier. It wasn't long before the clothes she was picking up had to be rolled up like bed sheets and tossed into the basket.

Patricia could feel her costume squeezing ever so tight as she continued to pick things up even as the biggest part of the chore was trying to get the clothes OVER the edge of the laundry basket. She had to tip the thing on it's side just to get things in there.

At least it was just her undies left. Those were always small and light. But now, at her tiny size it felt like a herculean effort.

After she finally got everything in the basket Patricia had to admit, she was too tired to party. But at least, her place was clean now.


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