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Ara was always wary of going into the gym. She heard all the ladies talking about how if you worked out to hard, or even looked at weights wrong you'd get bulky. She didn't like the idea of getting bulky.

But she had to do something. Everyone saw her as a puny little thing, so she had to do something. She walked in in her flowing basketball shorts and oversize red striped shirt. She always heard people talking about pump covers when they go to the gym, so she dressed baggy. Not like she could dress any other way.

When she walked in she felt immediately intimidated. Everyone in there was Jacked!

Everyone looked like they were made of pure protein. Even the women! And while she didn't want to become a super bulk, she had to admit that muscle definitely looked amazing on them. She wondered how she could get muscle like that.

She walked up to the cable machine first. She felt a certain energy from the machine. Like the closer she got the more her skin tingled. She found the ropes on the ground and bent to pick them up. With it hooked up to the cable machine, her little fingers wrapping around the rubber bulbs. Suddenly her arms felt an electric jolt running up through her veins.

The pulsing electricity twitched in her arms. Ara watched in awe as her biceps began to pulse bigger and thicker. Sleeves just instantly giving way to her growing muscles. Of course being so thick and bulky was not her ideal, but this felt amazing. She easily grabbed the pulley to lift the ropes up and she didn't think she'd be able to make it up to the top. But as she bent to lift it up, she felt her back muscles bulge in that top, tightening around her frame. God she loved the feeling of her muscles swelling so instantly.

As she lifted the pulley, her calves and quads ballooned out. They even stretched longer and taller as her basketball shorts shrank tighter and tighter around her hips and ass. Ara was in practical orgasmic glee.

She lifted the pulley higher and her torso stretched longer and taller. Her abs bulging in as her shoulders rose higher and higher. She was becoming or had become a goddess of muscle.

So this myths were true, as soon as a woman even looks at workout equipment, she becomes a muscle god.


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