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Olivia was always the most beautiful woman in the group. It made the rest of the group so jealous. So jealous in fact that they decided to do something about it. They bought her a very VERY special make-over.

She showed up with her wildly pink hair, and the make up artists did their work.

There was a light dusting of foundation and Olivia closed her eyes, letting the relaxing sensation wash over her, not realizing that her clothes were a bit bigger on her. Next came the eye shadow that looked so wonderful on her as she didn't feel her shoes slip right off.

She shifted her body and settled as she found another groove for her smaller form as blush was sprinkled on her cheeks. Her hands slipped down the arm rests as she bit her lips. Eyeliner was applied and her dress slipped off her shoulder.

Next was a bit on her eyebrows to really make them pop. They used less and less as she had to take her arms off the rests. Soon her dress was dangled around her hips.

Suddenly Olivia felt hands plucking her from her seat and sitting her on the counter. She opened her eyes and was shocked to find that she was barely taller than the lipstick container. The artists popped it open and her face lit up!

She took a seat and modeled herself next to the lipstick.

“Look!” she gasped! “I match!”


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