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Taylor was pissed!

Her concert was coming up in a few days and no one was seeing to her needs. Her costume had come in 2 sizes too small, her tech crew had been reduced to a skeleton crew, nothing was going her way and  the remaining people working for her were beginning to use the dreaded D word. Diva.

Tabitha had enough, she was blonde, she was attractive, she could sing, she could totally take over Taylor's position, and be so much nicer about it. She'd treat her workers like royalty, not like the scum she felt like she was being treated as.

So when she slipped a little something in Taylor's Latte she felt completely justified. When she started to shrink and dwindle well that was just an added bonus. It was funny, Taylor thought someone had altered her costume at first, but soon it was too big for her. And even sooner the back up dancers were towering over her.

To add the icing on the cake of this payback, the angrier she got the smaller she got. It wasn't long before she was angrily yelling at people while being carried around in a toddler backpack. Soon though, the workers found a jar. It used to be a swear jar, but since Taylor had fired anyone that swore in her presence, it was mostly unused.

Now it was known as the Taylor Jar, and if Tabitha had ever stepped out of line she would join her in the jar. She had to stay on her toes, she could feel the dreaded D-Word building in her thoughts.


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