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Carol twirled in front of you. “See?  Fits rather well right?” She was showing off her tank top that she had sewn up after the last spurt.

You looked her up and down. She was back to her short self. The last formula you had given her had made her into a horrendous wolf like creature. But you were sure this one would work. All she wanted to be was smarter.

“Is that the stuff?” you tried to motion and communicate that it wasn't ready but she was already two gulps in. Yeah she really needed that intelligence boost.

She slammed the beaker down. “ahhhhh, delicious! Oop!” She suddenly stood up straight like she one of those toys where you pull the string and the soldier just stiffens. You started to back up slowly as Carol shook in place.

You watched as her shoulders started to plump. Uh oh. Her legs stretched up and up. Her body wobbling from side to side. Your eyes widened as her torso stretched so tall Carol's newly sewn tank top stretched farther and farther away from her shorts. “dude, I feel... Ugggh!”

Carol grabbed onto her head as you watched her back squeeze into her top. She was growing taller than you could imagine. Then her breasts started to swell in and she needed to release herself from that fabric prison, you watched as she grabbed on to her top and massaged her breasts. She pulled tight on the top.

The string snapped as she screamed and tore herself free. She looked down at you as you and smiled. “More?” And that's when you realized something. You wanted to make more, but that's not what you realized, you realized you may need that intellect enhancer BECAUSE you wanted to make more.


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