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Jennifer was so mad. Her dad let her watch all the superhero movies, Iron Man, Hulk, Thor, Even the Black Widow movie, but he wouldn't let her watch Deadpool. He said she wasn't old enough yet. Disney + even had it but still too young, Too young for something on Disney + this was preposterous!

She heard the rest of her older siblings out in the living room laughing at the movie while she snooped in her big sisters room.  She had gone off to college last year, but her  parent's kept it just how she left it for those weekends when she wanted to come home and enjoy a home cooked meal or free laundry.

Jennifer looked over everything, her sister, Heather, had kind of ballooned out of nowhere one day, and Jennifer was the only one who noticed was Jennifer. She noticed some black nail polish on the desk. Maybe since everyone would be distracted by that movie, she could put some on.

Her pinky nail was a perfect pitch black, and Jenniefer's legs felt funny. But she ignored those feelings as she painted her ring finger. Now her ass seemed to have that same feeling. She looked down and saw her little pink pants getting tight. She even noticed her legs looking so long in those pants as sthey started to pop and rip off her devloping muscle and curves in her legs. Was she? Did she actually look?  Nah, she must have fallen asleep, this is just a dream, but what a dream.

She painted her middle and index finger. She felt her shoulders filling out the red PJ top her dad had given her last Christmas. It was even starting to get a bit short as her torso stretched longer and longer.she felt herself getting taller, more curvaceous, and even older in a matter of seconds.

After she twirled in front of the mirror a few times to stare at her newly tall body, she sat down and painted her thumbnail, unsure of what would grow next. When nothing immediately started to srout bigger, she decided she needed some pajama pants.

She grabbed a pair of her sisters, They should fit her now right?  She started sliding them up her long legs when she felt a tightness in her chest with the pants around her thighs she felt like she needed to lean back in the chair. Her breathing was so tight, and what once started as wheezing was turning into moaning and grunting as her nipples stretched longer, and the flesh behind them followed soon after as her non-existant breasts grew from a cups to B's C's and climbing up the alphabet to DDD's. Her hand slipping between her legs noticing a wetness there.

She slowly stood up and slipped the pants the rest of the way up. She noticed her large breasts and bounced a bit to watch them bounce. She turned to her side and saw her profile. Then she pulled her shirt tight and snapped a pic.

She decided to send it off to her sister.



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