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Hey there,

MA Districts is slowly taking pace:) The next build will contain a pee action and have more destructible elements in the world. Im also working on the voice overs for the pedestrians. As soon as the voice over is in I can add the first quests. Please also let me know what else you would like to see in the game. The idea here is to have an open environment in which you can simply do whatever you want so im still lookin for suggestions on mechanics and stuff which would benefit this concept. The quests, clothing and stuff will be the icing on the cake:) 




devon flood

How about something where the Dinosaur gets to pick someone up and take them into the alley (or not) strip them and DO them if you know what I mean, we got to DO the dinosaur in Mutant Alley so now the Dinosaur gets to do someone! And make it a position like Doggy style, the wall or I'd love to see the Dino's do the Upstanding Citizen!