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Hey everyone,

i'm tired of looking for someone who can reliably do some modeling for me, just like the animations for MA2 (which I tried to outsource as well) I decided to do a female version of my rex on my own in order to get it done THIS century:P Anyway, this is till WIP but im not very experienced in modeling females so I really could need some critiques and ideas how to improv her. The first release of MA2 will only have my male rex in it but the female rex will be in there too once she's, rigged, animated and voice acted.





She looks nice to me.


She should have more curves I think. I'm a gay guy. it look like a male body type with boobs and the gross bit between her legs to be honest.

Austin Judes

I suggest maybe widening the hips, narrowing the shoulders and slimming their build. Also pulling their posture back.


Your raptor from Primals looked somewhat femalish. Maybe you can transfer and modify that one somehow ? Only a suggestion from someone with no experience in those programs :D


A possible idea for a future game, customizable dino mates with sex and gender sliders like Saints Row 2. I loved making my character a female but exactly the same way I would make a male character complete with the male voice. Admittedly, it was the only way I could get my character to sleep with men and be gay at the time but looking back, that was an awesome character creator. It would be cool to eventually be a great feature to offer players to be able to customize a T-rex or another dino like that. Maybe someday.