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Hey there,

Here is the second public alpha release of my new game, I tried to put as much of your improvement ideas as possible in there. There is still lots of work to do but I will continue to post alpha versions to keep you guys up to date and get the feedback I need to make the game as fun as possible.


  • Move : WASD / Arrow Keys
  • Jump : Space
  • Run : Shift
  • Punch : X / Left Mouse
  • Kick : C / Right Mouse
  • Action : Enter
  • Pause / Menu : Escape
  • Dress / Undress : U
  • Mast****te : M (Only when undressed)

Gameplay Hints:

  • Keep your hormone level low in order to decrease the detection radius of near by enemies.
  • If you encounter low FPS-Rates, try deactivating the Rich Environment option in the graphics menu.


  • Fixed progress bars
  • Scaled down menus
  • Added about section
  • Implemented swimming
  • Updated menu graphics
  • Fixed run/attack latching
  • Adjusted character speed
  • Adjusted character jumps
  • Fixed scene loader exception
  • Updated player spawn location
  • Added exit button to game menu
  • Added new enemy: Deinonychus
  • Implemented settings persistence
  • Fixed compass owner assignment
  • Changed default mouse axis settings
  • Added refresh rate to resolution entries
  • Added rich environment option to graphics settings
  • Also bound punch and kick action to mouse buttons


  • Player will get hungry / has to hunt for food
  • Player will get full bladder / will have to pee which will attract nearby enemies





Super je vais l'essayer ce soir


Anyone seeing the issue where the player character and enemies are very low resolution when moving and then just becoming a blob of larger black pixels once they stop moving? I have tried reducing the resolution with no avail. I have to turn off the rich environment as the most of the screen goes black with this on. My laptop is quite new and plays most games well.


Oh? I haven’t encountered this so far. Is there a specific place or situation when this happens?


super par contre un peut compliquer de ce battre dans les herbes car tout ce mélange un peut

Suikey Shirasu

i hope you add a "disable motion blur" option. the motion blur is too distracting/disorienting when fighting the pack of enemies.


Not sure why, but whenever I launch the game I cannot move the camera or character.