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Hey again,

as you may have noticed i've been very busy in the last months but haven't devlivered as much content as usual, so I wanted to make a big announcement to fill you guys in on some of the future updates and what's going on: While working on MAD and my novels I was also working on an Unreal Port of the classic Mutant Alley since the game is still super popular and its kinda...my baby:) PawOff was an attempt to come up with a new concept for the new MA game but working on 3-4 games simultaneously while also being the content creator AND animator is way more than I can handle although ive worked up to 14h a day. However, a few months ago I got in touch with some other furry artists and game devs which were also working on a game but haven't had a working prototype yet. The game that they were planing was a bit like the concept of PawOff but in a way more sophisticated / polished way and tons of more features so I decided to hand them over my code and together we were able to to create a brand new game base not only for their game project but also for a reboot of the MA series with features and a quality I couldn't have come up on my own:) Once the game base is developed enough I can start adding / customizing it to my needs for the new MA game and since I have way less animation and dev work to do this time I really want to emphasis on the overall atmosphere and also getting the experience as close to the novel (including the characters). Im super excited to make this happen but it will take some more time in which I have to "jump" from project to project but in the end you will end up with twice the amount of content and you notice a huge boost in quality as well.



That's nice, im planning to increase my supscription, but first i want to see the results, take your time, there's no need to rush.


Your work never ceases to amaze me I don’t know how you can get work done so quickly but it is awesome but remember to take breaks your health and well-being is also important burnout is a horrible thing I’m more than happy to wait for a project :)