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Hey there,

this week I ended up mostly working on MAD, besides working on the settings I had an idea which should come along great: Since you can have s** with customers, I planed to do the s** interactions with customers as if I did them in MA1 and PawOff, just instead of ghost hands you will have a real person. I already implemented the free look camera and im now going to implement loop cycling and a climax release so that you can have the s** scenes as interactive as possible. So you will have the best of two world, the exploring / running around / doing what you want aspect of MAD and the s** loop cycling / watching like in MA1 and PawOff.



Hey @Tyrano Will there be anymore updates on MA1 or is that game considered done and dusted also, hows the book coming along?

Dragon King Development

Will there be anthro anthro interaction? Not interested in humans


Will there be dialouge boxes or maybe an a.i chat system you can type into? maybe have interactions with othet t-rexs and other dinos? just some ideas!